Granting Round 2024

Applications are now open  for  funding for projects and initiatives in 2025.

The deadline for applications is 5pm on Wednesday  28 August.

The Granting Strategy, including priorities and focus for 2025,  and application form are on the Granting Page- please read this, as there have been changes since last year.

Note: there is just one application form  for any level of grant.

Please note I will be away overseas from 16-28 August with limited opportunity to respond to information requests; so please try and  send any queries to me before  then.


Raewyn Stone

Executive Officer

About Te Rau Puāwai Education Trust

The Te Rau Puāwai Education Trust supports educational initiatives that draw on collaboration and evidence, to increase capabilities of individuals and communities, maximising their potential to create a fairer society.
The Trust invests in educational research, initiatives, interventions and projects that address inequalities in particular for Māori, Pasifika and student support learners in learning outcomes and increased teacher effectiveness.
Learning outcomes are both the social and the cognitive skills and capabilities valued in our society. The definition of “teacher” embraces a broad range of people who impact on a student’s learning outcomes and includes members of the teaching profession, related professions, support staff, parents, family and whanau and the wider community.

The Trust is a registered NZ Charity and 100% shareholder of Cognition Education Ltd.