Autism NZ
Let's Play

Graeme Dingle Foundation
 Nga Ara Whetu/Career Navigator 2025- Stewart Germann Grant 

Let’s Play is a whānau programme that aims to bridge the gap between the likelihood of an autism/takiwātanga diagnosis and the start of early intervention services, empowering whānau to begin the role of enduring educator for their tamaiti.

Contact: Thecla Moffatt

Thecla Moffat

The programme  supports young people through youth development programmes in areas of high social deprivation where they may be exposed to significant environmental obstacles such as; social disruption, early school drop-out rates, high youth suicide, or inter-generational unemployment.  The grant is supporting programmes in Far North, Rotorua and Wellington.

Contact: Courtney Keenan

Maia Centre
The Hustle Network

The Hustle Network evolved out of our work with Māori and Pasifika young people through the Brave Learning Kaupapa through which we learned that the most valuable support we can offer young Māori and Pasifika young people who have made the decision to leave school before the end of the year 13 is ongoing Manaaki – support, encouragement, companionship and, where appropriate, guidance, and formal and informal learning opportunities.

Contact: Jay Allnutt

Porirua East Kāhui Ako- Hauora Phase 2

This is a trauma-informed education, programme based on the  Neurosequential Model of Education.  This in turn is informed by indigenous models of wellness and healing, including mātauranga Māori.

Phase 1 has demonstrated that the programme  can successfully·      disrupt the effects of poverty and associated trauma,  nurture the cognitive, social and behavioural abilities that enable other aspects of learning and   build trauma-informed capabilities and practices across 12 schools in a single community

Contact: Peter O'Connor

Silverstream South Primary School-  Taieri Attendance Shuttle

The grant is for the operational costs of a  shuttle bus to ensure  children are able to attend 3 schools with some extremely challenging demographic issues in this catchment as far as poverty, alcoholism, drug use, domestic violence and family harm.

Contact: Greg Hurley

Storytime Foundation
First 1000 Days

 The grant provides operational support to this successful initiative, with Storytime Foundation  working collaboratively with Plunket, tamariki ora providers, Family Start, Corrections, Police, Brainwave Trust, Little Libraries, National Library and others, to bring important information/learning as well as books and other resources to vulnerable families, better understanding of their role in building the great brains of their babies and young children.

Contact: Tony Culliney

Tim Bray Theatre Company Santa Claus Show

Funding for free tickets and travel for disadvantaged children to attend show, linked to curriculum related in school activities.

Contact: Kendall Green

Grant for specialist equipment for safe space for neurodiverse learners.

Contact: Saane Faaofo Oldehaver

Whenua Iti Outdoors
Rā Ora (Wellbeing Day) Programme

Grant is for transport  to programme for  disadvantaged tamariki who missed  early childhood education during the Covid years. They have reduced social skills and resilience due to the upheaval of these years. The programme activities emphasise teamwork and personal development through collaborative activities and group challenges. 

Contact: Liana Richards, Education Partnerships Manager

Acorn Trust-   Acorns to Oaks School Readiness Programme

The transition between kindergarten and primary school is critical for setting up children for success in their school career. Autistic and neurodivergent children are particularly vulnerable at this transition as they may not have the communication skills and emotional regulation which enable social relationships and pre-literacy foundations to develop. Acorn Neurodiversity and Northern Auckland Free Kindergarten Association t/a Kaitiaki Kindergartens are collaborating to start this new initiative, Acorns to Oaks School Readiness Programme to support neurodivergent and developmentally disabled children to transition to primary school.

Contact: Tami Harris