Granting-our priorities, principles and approach



The Te Rau Puāwai Education Trust’s three strategic priorities are:

 1.       Building learning capabilities from birth, because of the compelling evidence of the importance of early years, the influence of parents, caregivers, family and whanau as first teachers, and our growing understanding that early emotional connectedness and language confidence are critical to engagement in learning.

 2.      School and community initiatives that disrupt the ongoing impacts of poverty on children and young people’s learning.

 3.       Addressing inequalities, in particular to enhance learning outcomes for Māori, Pasifika, neurodiverse and learning support students


·         Learning outcomes are defined as both the social and the cognitive skills and capabilities that are valued in our society.

·         The definition of “teacher” embraces a broad range of people who impact on a student’s learning outcomes, and includes members of the teaching profession, related professions, support staff, parents, family and whanau, and the wider community.

 Areas of interest

The Te Rau Puāwai Education Trust is interested in innovative initiatives, interventions and projects that:

·         Increase teacher effectiveness to respond to inequality, inequity and diverse learning needs

·         Integrate research, practice and evaluation

·         Are replicable and/or provide evidence-based findings for dissemination other stakeholders

·         Support purposeful collaboration, for example-

o        Among teachers

o        Among parents/families/whanau

o        Among schools

o        Among organisations

o        Between schools and academic researchers

o        Between schools and stakeholders

o   Between schools and several funders.


Focus for 2025

The focus for 2025 is -local initiatives that focus on learners who have fallen behind in learning as a result of poverty.

 Note: the intention here is to provide the opportunity for schools and their communities to fund creative solutions that are specific to their school and community.  

We are not looking to replicate initiatives that are funded elsewhere (e.g. breakfast in school) unless there is a specific and local reason for trying to do it differently.

Stewart Germann Grant

The Stewart Germann Grant of  $15,000  each year, was established in recognition of the long service of former Cognition Education Trust Chair, Stewart Germann.

The Stewart Germann Grant will be awarded  to a suitable project from amongst the general applications.